Guest House

From the South
Take Route 95 Northbound, cross over the Piscataqua Bridge into Maine and take Exit 7 York/Ogunquit (this is not exit 7 in Portsmouth NH), at end of ramp bear right; at stoplight turn left onto Route 1 North. The Ogunquit Playhouse, a large green and white structure, is on your right about 6.5 miles up Route 1 as you approach downtown Ogunquit; make the next right onto Bourne Lane.

Bourne Lane ends at Shore Road; make a right on Shore Road, and the Dragonfly Guest House is three doors down on your right #254.
​Dragonfly Guest House has parking lots on both sides of the house.
* If traffic is heavy coming into Ogunquit, bear right onto Pine Hill Road, 4.2 miles from the I-95 exit, and follow until it ends at Shore Road, 2.6 miles. Make a left onto Shore Road and proceed to #254, 1/4 mile.
From the North
Take Route 95 Southbound to Exit 19 Wells/Ogunquit, turn left at stoplight onto Route 109 East. Follow 109 East until it ends at Route 1; turn right onto Route 1 South.
Follow Route 1 through Wells and into Ogunquit; watch for signs for Perkins Cove and Shore Road. In downtown Ogunquit, Beach Street and Shore Road come together in a V to meet Route 1/Main Street on the left. Make a left onto Shore Road and continue about half a mile toward Perkins Cove, Dragonfly Guest House will be on the right at #254. Dragonfly Guest House has parking lots on both sides of the house.